Risk Management

Welcome to the Kern Community College District (KCCD) Risk Management page.  Risk Management is committed to protecting students, the general public and our employees by providing needed services during catastrophic events.

Injury and Illness Prevention Plan

A copy of the IIPP can downloaded from the following link: 

Injury and Illness Prevention Plan

If you have any questions regarding Workers' Compensation, a Leave of Absence, Legal, or Property and Liability please contact:

Important: Report Your Workplace Injury Immediately

  • If the injury is an emergency, call 911 and report the injury to your supervisor. hr_inbox
  • If the injury is not life threatening or serious in nature, please Arissa Nurse Triage Services at (888) 709-0957. You will be triaged by a nurse and guided to the appropriate medical treatment including self-treatment, telemedicine, or referred to a clinic.

Workplace Violence Prevention and Reporting

Click the link below to review the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan:

Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (7/1/2024)


Workplace Violence Prevention Training is available online at Safe Colleges.


Use the link below to file a report:

*Report a workplace violence incident*

Report an unsafe condition or concern


Risk Management encourages all employees to provide input into our district's workplace violence safety program by completing the survey below.

Complete a workplace violence survey


Questions or Requests regarding California Public Records Act (CPRA), Subpoena, and  Records Release:

The following is provided as an example of the preferred request format.


Records Custodian

Kern Community College District

2100 Chester Avenue

Bakersfield, CA 93301



            RE: Public Records Act Request


Dear Records Custodian,

Pursuant to my rights under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), I ask to [inspect/obtain a copy of] the following, which I understand to be held by your agency:

[Describe the record as precisely as possible, including the designation of any forms or reports with titles, the date or dates if relevant, the author and addressee if the item is a letter or memo, etc. If the record is referred to in another document or published report and it will help to attach a copy of that reference, do so.]

I ask for a determination on this request within 10 days of your receipt of it, and an even prompter reply if you can make that determination without having to review the record[s] in question.

If you determine that any or all or the information qualifies for an exemption from disclosure, I ask you to note whether, as is normally the case under the Act, the exemption is discretionary, and if so whether it is necessary in this case to exercise your discretion to withhold the information.

If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at [provide phone or fax number, email, etc.].  I ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding [$________] before you duplicate the records so that I may decide which records I want copied.


[Signature Block]