Mandated Reporter Resources

Mandated Reporter Information and Resources


1. General Information

California Penal Code section 11165.7 requires all administrators, managers, supervisors, full-time and adjunct faculty members and classified professionals of public schools to report any known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to the county child welfare department or to a local law enforcement agency (local police/sheriff’s department). In California, a child is anyone under the age of 18 years old. A report must be made immediately, or as soon as practically possible, with a follow up written report within 36 hours.

Child Abuse and/or Child Neglect Can Be Any of the Following:

A physical injury inflicted on a child by another person other than 
by accidental means. 

The sexual abuse, assault, or exploitation of a child. 

The negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for the child’s welfare under circumstances indicating harm or threatened harm to the child’s health or welfare. This is whether the harm or threatened harm is from acts or omissions on the part of the responsible person. 

The willful harming or endangerment of the person or health of a child, any cruel or inhumane corporal punishment or any injury resulting in a traumatic condition. 

One does not have to be physically present or witness the abuse to identify suspected cases of abuse, or even have definite proof that a child may be subject to child abuse or neglect. Rather, the law requires that a person have a “reasonable suspicion” that a child has been the subject of child abuse or neglect. Under the law, this means that it is reasonable for a person to entertain a suspicion of child abuse or neglect, based upon facts that could cause a reasonable person, in a like position, drawing, when appropriate, on his or her training and experience, to suspect child abuse or neglect.

Employees may also find additional information by visiting the California Department of Education, Child Abuse Identification & Reporting Guidelines.


2. Mandated Reporter Resources

Suspected Child Abuse Form

Written reports may be submitted using the California Suspected Child Abuse Report Form. Please note the following information is needed to populate the Suspected Child Abuse Form:

Minor’s name, date of birth or approximate age, sex, ethnicity, and special needs (see Form fields regarding this information)

Parent(s) name, address, and telephone number

Suspect’s name, date of birth or approximate age, sex, ethnicity, address and telephone number


Reports of suspected abuse or neglect may be made by contacting the following resources:

Kern County, Human Services

(661) 631-6011

Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency

(800) 331-1585

Inyo County Health and Human Services

(760) 872-1727

Mono County Social Services

Walker, CA (530) 495-1262

Bridgeport, CA (760) 932-5600

Mammoth Lakes, CA (760) 924-1770

San Bernardino Children and Family Services

(800) 827-8724

You may also potential child abuse or neglect to local police or sheriff’s departments.

Districtwide resources:

Bakersfield College

Joe Grubbs, Executive Director, College Safety; (661) 395-3561;

Carlos Rios, Assistant Director, College Safety; (661) 395-4554;

Victoria Simmons, Interim Vice Chancellor, Human Resources; (661) 336-5007;

Cerro Coso College

Kevin King, Administrative Services, Safety and Security; (760) 384-6367;

Laci Beyes, Human Resources Director; (760) 384-6259;

Porterville College

Leonardo Ezpinosa, Safety and Security Manager; (559) 791-2441;

Tashina Pearson, Human Resources Director; (559) 791-2457;

District Office

Gina Duran, Human Resources Director; (661) 336-5107;

Victoria Simmons, Interim Vice Chancellor, Human Resources; (661) 336-5007;