Workplace Accommodations
Reasonable Accommodation Request Form
For additional information or to submit accommodation paperwork, please email:
KCCD District Office:
Bakersfield College:
Cerro Coso Community College:
Porterville College:
General Information
Absent undue hardship or direct threats to the health and safety of employee(s), the District provides employment-related reasonable accommodations to:
- qualified individuals with disabilities, both applicants and employees, to enable them to perform essential job functions;
- employees with conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition, if she so requests, and with the advice of her health care provider;
- employee victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking to promote the safety of the employee victim while at work; and
- employees who request lactation accommodation
Disability Access Services: Employment
Administrative Regulation 7348 Accommodations (Currently Under Review)