Upcoming Meetings

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Project Incubator meetings will be hosted in all five subregions for you to bring project ideas and collaborate on discussion for your subregion.

These meetings will act as working sessions where your participation is necessary for projects in your subregion to be given an opportunity to be refined with other stakeholders.


Region Meeting Information

West Kern Project Incubator

3rd Tuesday monthly at 4PM; email us to RSVP at KernCERF@kccd.edu
East Kern Project Incubator 3rd Thursday monthly at 4PM; email us to RSVP at KernCERF@kccd.edu
North Kern Project Incubator 4th Tuesday monthly at 4PM; email us to RSVP at KernCERF@kccd.edu
Central Kern Project Incubator 4th Wednesday monthly at 4PM; email us to RSVP at KernCERF@kccd.edu
South Kern Project Incubator 4th Thursday monthly at 4PM; email us to RSVP at KernCERF@kccd.edu