Governance Council

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About the Governance Council


The Kern Coalition Governance Council is composed of 17 representatives (with the Kern Coalition being the 18th, non-voting member) elected by Kern County residents to vote on economic and workforce development proposals that will be submitted to the state at the end of the Planning Phase for the California Jobs First initiative (formerly known as CERF). There are 5 Governance Council representatives for the Central subregion and 3 representatives for the North, South, East, and West subregions. Per election bylaws, in the event that there are vacancies in any of the subregions, the Kern Coalition will appoint representatives based on a criteria that emphasizes diverse representation from industry, labor, workforce development, community-based organizations, and other stakeholder groups.


The induction of the Kern Coalition California Jobs First Governance Council was held January 11th, 2024. 

Watch the ceremony recording on Zoom: Kern Coalition California Jobs First Governance Council Induction Ceremony

Elected Representative Biographies, by Subregion:

California Jobs First Governance Council Training Series

The following presentations are available for download as PDF's:

Governance Council: Overview

Authority, operations, elections process and responsibilities.

Download the document as a PDF by clicking one of the links below:



Kern Coalition Governance Council - English



Kern Coalition Governance Council - Spanish



Kern Coalition Governance Council - Punjabi



Kern Coalition Governance Council - Tagalog

Collective Partnership Background

Download the document as a PDF by clicking one of the links below:


Collective Partnership Background - English



Collective Partnership Background - Spanish



Collective Partnership Background - Punjabi



Collective Partnership Background - Tagalog