Additional Resources - Regional Plan Part 1

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Additional Resources
Below you can find additional resources that have informed the Kern Coalition in developing and carrying out our local California Jobs First initiative and the Regional Plan Part 1.
- 2023 Carbon Capture Use and Storage Party Platform (PDF)
- 2023-2028 KCCD Workforce Development Plan (PDF)
- Advancement Project - 2018 Building Healthy Communities (PDF)
- Advancement Project - Creating an Equitable Infill Development Framework for Kern County (PDF)
- Advancement Project - Kern County's Future in the Face of Climate Change (PDF)
- Advancement Project - Reshaping Kern County's Agricultural Approach to Pesticides and Health (PDF)
- B3K - Market Assessment Data Book and Findings (PDF)
- California Central Valley Export Plan (PDF)
- California Future of Work Report (PDF)
- California Survey System - California Healthy Kids Survey (PDF)
- CARB - 2022 Scoping Plan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality (PDF)
- Carbon Capture and Storage Opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic (PDF)
- Carbon Capture, Use, & Sequestration Presentation (PDF)
- CERF Regional Summary Bilingual (PowerPoint)
- County of Kern - Comprehensive Economic Development Plan (PDF)
- East Kern Economic Diversification Plan (PDF)
- Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Businesses and Industries (PDF)
- Innovation Law Lab - Thrive: A Blueprint for Policy and Public Officials for Self-Reliant Rural Communities Without Immigration Prisons (PDF)
- Kern County 2021-2026 Strategic Plan (PDF)
- Kern County 2022 Affordable Housing Needs Report (PDF)
- Kern County: Geographies of Inequity and Opportunities for Action (PDF)
- Kern EDC - 2022 Market Overview and Member Directory (PDF)
- Kern EDC - Strategic Plan 2020-2023 (PDF)
- Kern Inyo Mono Workforce Development Plan 2021-2024 (PDF)
- Nature Communications - Estimating geological CO2 storage security to deliver on climate mitigation (PDF)
- PPIC - Income Inequality and Economic Opportunity in California (PDF)
- PPIC - Managing a Drought in a Changing Climate (PDF)
- Regional Summary (PDF)
- San Joaquin Valley Regional Plan 2021-2024 (PDF)
- Sharing the Benefits - How the Economic of Carbon Capture and Storage Can Serve Communities (PDF)
- UC Merced - The State's Future (PDF)