Kern Coalition - Regional Convener Graphic

Kern Coalition Logo and California Jobs First Logo

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Large Rectangular Box titled "Regional Convener (RC)" across top of image of a flow chart with several boxes.

Text in this box as follows:


Lead Partner Organizations

Logos below: 

  • Kern Community College District
  • Kern Inyo Mono Labor Council
  • B3K
  • CAPK
  • Building Healthy Communities Kern

Fiscal Agent

Logo below:

  • Kern Community College District

The lead organizations are tasked with organizing an inclusive group of regional stakeholders to form the HRTC and, with the Fiscal Agent, implement the planning grant in the Kern CERF region. 


The Regional Convener (RC) Box points with an arrow to the next box:

Box titled: Regional Convener Coordinators (STAFF)

Text in this box as follows:

Work with the Regional Convener (Kern Coalition) to host HRTC Meetings. 

Five colorful boxes below show the number of staff per region. 

North - 3 GC reps

South - 3 GC reps

Central - 5 GC reps

East - 3 GC Reps

West - 3 GC Reps


Arrow from the Regional Convener Coordinators box points to a final box, Governance Council. 

Box titled "Governance Council (GC)". 

Text in the box as follows: 

17 Elected Representatives are selected through an elections process via the KHRTCs and 1 ex-officio membership for the Kern Coalition Regional Convener. 

* The RC may appoint representatives if there is under-representation from a required stakeholder group. 


To the right of the Regional Convener Coordinators (STAFF) box is a box titled "Kern High Road Transition Collaboratives" with an arrow between them. 

In this box is a map of Kern County showing the five subregions. 

The text in this box is as follows: 

Subregional Collaboratives: 

Inclusive regional planning groups that consist of balanced and meaningful representation from regional stakeholders. Ongoing technical assistance will be provided in the form of community education, grant writing, and Capacity Building. 


To the left of the Regional Convener Coordinators (STAFF0 box is a box titled "Up to 3 Industry Collaboratives & Up to 3 Industry Leads" with an arrow between them. 

Text in the box is as follows:

Industry Collaboratives work with KHRTCs: 

  • Research specific to industry sectors
  • Develop "exploratory" and/or "last mile" projects
  • Map career pathways, apprenticeships, and training w/ partners
  • Liaise w/ public agencies, cities, counties, and CA Native American tribes - business development strategies
  • Develop revolving loan for entrepreneurship
  • Support anchor institutions