Career Education


Annual Summary Reports

High-level summaries of the use of Career Education designated Perkins Funds:

  • 2023-2024 Perkins Report *Coming Soon!
  • 2022-2023 Perkins Report *Coming Soon!

Perkins 1-C

Worksheets & Guides for Perkins 1-C

  •  2024-25 Application:
    • New Perkins Criteria - CCCCO Memo (March 2024)
      • KCCD Dashboard *Coming Soon!
    • Application Deadlines for 2024-25 
    • Application Components Summary for the 2023-24 Application 
    • Student Success Metrics Guidance
      • Past student success metrics selected:
        • 2023-24 Vision for Success Metrics Selected for Application *Coming Soon!
        • 2022-23 Vision for Success Metrics Selected for Application *Coming Soon!
        • 2021-22 Vision for Success Metrics Selected for Application *Coming Soon!
    • Local Application Narrative Responses Worksheet 
    • Program TOP Code Worksheet 
    • Across Program Worksheet 
    • Current Districtwide CLNA - all funding decisions must be tied to the current CLNA
    • Core Indicators (Perkins V)
  • Quarterly Reporting
    • Quarterly Reporting Worksheet - quarterly worksheet includes required narrative questions for NOVA reporting (progress on core indicators)
    • In addition to the quarterly reporting worksheet, each institution provides quarterly activity notes for each program funded through perkins. These will be held on file for audit purposes. No required format.
  • Travel
    • Out of State Travel Request Form
      • No more banned states (as of late fall 2023)
    • Reminders:
      • Perkins 1C funds may be used for out-of-state travel, but travel must first be approved by our assigned monitor
      • Colleges are encouraged to submit out-of-state travel request forms as early as possible and ensure all documentation is maintained locally for audit purposes.
  • Final Report

There are two parts to Perkins 1C Final Reporting

    1. Final Narrative Response for Accomplishments and Outcomes by Core Indicator
    2. Program Activity Outcomes
      • Each program/across program funded by Perkins 1C must complete a final Program Activity Outcomes worksheet.
      • Worksheets will be provided customized to each program and college

Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) - Perkins 1-C

Districtwide CLNA

  • 2024-2026 - due spring 2024
  • 2022-2024 Districtwide CLNA

Preparing for the CLNA



Local Perkins funds are determined through institutional program review and Perkins application procedures. Please contact your institutional Perkins lead for details:

  • Bakersfield College: Interim Dean Derek Robinson & Program Manager Martin Perez
  • Cerro Coso Community College: Dean Nicole Griffin
  • Porterville College: Dean Osvaldo Del Valle & Director Nick Griffith