Program Review Data


Annual Program Review Data


To support each KCCD's college's program review efforts, the IR office updates enrollment, award, and course success data annually.  The dashboards below contains data from the last five academic years.  Users can customize the data that the dashboard shows by toggling the filters in the dashboard.  Users can also disaggregate the data along a variety of variables to compare groups and institutions. Anyone needing a PDF version of the data on any of the dashboards can click on the "Download PDF" button. 

Click on the links below to get to the dashboard.

Interactive Dashboard
Course Enrollments and FTES Dashboard
Unduplicated Headcount Dashboard
Section Level Data Dashboard
Faculty Workload (FTEF) Dashboard
Course Success and Completion Dashboard
Program Award Dashboard
Student Services Program Review Data


Please contact us at or call us at 661-336-5084 if you have any questions or feedback.