General Procurement & Contract Information
General Procurement & Contract Information
An agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law. A contract may be called many different names. In higher education, a contract may be referred to by other names, including:
- Agreement
- Agreement for Services
- Affiliation Agreement
- Allied Health Agreement
- Course/Instructor Agreement
- Dual Enrollment Agreement
- End User License Agreement (EULA)
- Independent Contractor Agreement
(ICA- for Non Public Works and for Public Works)
- Instructional Service Agreement (ISA)
- Letter of Agreement (LOA)
- Letter of Intent (LOI)
- License
- Master Service Agreement (MSA)
- Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- Professional Services Agreement (PSA)
- Release
- Renewal
- Short Form Presenter Agreement
- Software License/Subscription Agreement
- Terms and Conditions
- Waiver
The Kern Community College District’s Contracts Department (KCCD) supports the District mission while ensuring procurement adheres to state and federal statutes, as well as Board policy. The Contracts Department must review all contracts. Also, the Office of General Counsel, Risk Management, and District Information Technology may review a contract prior to approval. Contracts are not enforceable obligations until they are approved or ratified by the Board of Trustees.
The Kern Community College District is a State of California Community College District and a public agency. Therefore, Kern CCD has certain restrictions and contract requirements that may differ from a private university/college. These acceptable clauses are based on State of California Education Code (Ed Code), Public Contract Code (PCC), Government Code and statutory prohibitions. Additionally, Kern CCD cannot accept some standard clauses typically found in commercial contracts.
The Board of Trustees delegates to the District Chancellor or Chief Financial Officer the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the District. These are the only authorized officers that may sign contracts. District faculty, staff, or administrators are not authorized to sign a contract without the express permission of Kern CCD (BP 6340).
Below are the signature blocks for the authorized signers for Kern Community College District.
Signature: Date:
Name: Melissa Thornsberry
Title: Interim Chief Financial Officer
Signature: Date:
Name: Dr. Steven Bloomberg
Title: Chancellor
The Kern CCD District Office, Business Services- Purchasing & Contracts Department is excited to announce a new contracts repository system, called iContracts UCM, which will house all of our contracts district wide.
This system is used to submit a contract, route through the approval process, obtain an electronic signed agreement, process for Board ratification and approval, and monitor contract spend. The system will also track dialogue via email, through the collaboration process, and send notification reminders of when your contract is set to expire.
Additional information for system users is available on the
Please contact the Contracts Dept at with any questions.
- Contract Checklist FAQs Flowchart
- COI Guidelines
- 2025 Non-Construction Contract Bid Threshold - $114,800
- 2025 CUPCCAA Bidding Matrix
- Kern CCD Forms Portal (InsideKCCD, ICA FAQs, Contract Templates, Master Contract Database, and other related information)
- Payee Data Record
- Software Services Addendum
What is Kern CCD’s legal name?
The Kern Community College District on behalf of Bakersfield College, Cerro Coso Community College, and/or Porterville College.
Who is authorized to sign contracts on behalf of Kern CCD?
The Board of Trustees (BOT) delegated signature authority to the Chancellor or Chief Financial Officer. (BP 6340).
How do I know if a contract is needed?
A contract is required for any service, regardless the dollar amount. A contract is required for an agreement which requests a service or commits the funds, personnel, facilities, equipment, property, other resources of the College.
May faculty, staff, or administrators sign a contract, MOU, etc. on behalf of Kern CCD?
Only the District Chancellor or Chief Financial Officer have the authority to bind Kern CCD or its colleges. District faculty, staff, or administrators are not authorized to sign contract without the express permission of Kern CCD. Employees will incur personal liability for any contract signed without written permission. Please contact the Contracts Department at for assistance with determining who is authorized to sign a specific document.
Who should I call to have a MOU, agreement, license, etc. reviewed?
Vendors should work with their District or college contact person to submit contracts for review. Staff and/or vendors may receive an email from regarding contracts reviewed by the Contracts Department, General Counsel, Risk Management or District Information Technology.
What is the dollar amount that a contract must be bid?
A contract is required for any service, regardless of the dollar amount. Three quotes are required for any purchase/service over $5,000.
Kern CCD follows CUPCCAA guidelines (2024 CUPCCAA Bidding Matrix). An RFP/Bid is required for any purchase/service over annual bid limit. Please contact for assistance with the RFP/Bid process.
The Kern Community College District utilizes contract Counsel to provide proactive professional advice on critical strategic, legal, and public policy issues, is part of the senior management team, and interacts closely with the District’s senior officers. The size, complexity, scope and diversity of the District, generates a range of complex, cutting-edge legal issues. Many, such as academic freedoms, participatory governance, and student’s rights and obligations, are unique to a community college academic environment and add complexity to the more traditional and predictable legal practice.
The Office of General Counsel is charged with providing advice and support to the Chancellor and District's Board of Trustees on legal issues. The goal of the Office of General Counsel is to:
- Support the District’s functions and business through the delivery of legal support and guidance.
- Develop and implement an ethical vision and strategic plan for the District’s legal services.
- Function as an integral partner with the Chancellor’s senior leadership team.
- Coordinate the identification and management of legal risks across the District.
- Identify and prioritize the response to various areas of legal risk and establish a clearly understood framework for legal practices within the Office of General Counsel.
- Lead the internal legal team and contract legal teams and set objectives.
- Be accountable for the management of relationships with external legal partners; monitor such relationships for effective, cost efficient and constructive outcomes on behalf of the District’s stakeholders.
- Establish and manage a budget for the provision of the District’s legal services by both inside and outside counsel, monitoring compliance with the budget, as well as establishing levels of accountability and results.
The Office of the General Counsel represents the Kern Community College District. When the General Counsel or Office of General Counsel staff interact with faculty or staff on legal matters, it is important that the faculty and staff understand that the Office of General Counsel owes its allegiance to the Kern Community College District.
Kern Community College District
- Address:
Kern Community College District
2100 Chester Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93301 - Website:
- Phone: (661) 336-5100
- Emails:
Campus Information
- Bakersfield College
1801 Panorama Dr.
Bakersfield, CA 93305
Phone: (661) 395-4011 - Cerro Coso Community College
3000 College Heights Blvd.
Ridgecrest, CA 93555-9571
Phone: (760) 384-6100 - Porterville College
100 E. College Ave.
Porterville, CA 93257
Phone (559) 791-2200