Sapira Cheuk Art Exhibit Opening March 14 at Cerro Coso

By Cerro Coso Community College | 02/27/25
Sapira Cheuk artwork.

Sapira Cheuk is an ink painter and installation artist born in Hong Kong and based in Las Vegas. Her work uses a blend of Sumi and India ink, symbolizing the mixture of her identities - as demonstrated in her new exhibition "Transmitting Figures; Exploring how embodiment transmits knowledge, history, and meaning,” which opens March 14 at the Cerro Coso Ridgecrest campus.

“Transmitting Figures” reflects Cheuk’s interest in proprioception, which can be defined as a sense of body position of movement or the subconscious sense that helps us know where our body parts are in space.

Cheuk defines the term as “ways of knowing through the body, and how these modes of knowledge reflect or internalize external experiences.”

“While these ideas tend to be wide-ranging, my aesthetic choices are firmly based on ink and paper,” she said.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. with Cheuk speaking at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be available, thanks to the generosity of the CCCC Foundation.

"Transmitting Figures; Exploring how embodiment transmits knowledge, history, and meaning
by Sapira Cheuk

Art Gallery in the Learning Resource Center
at Cerro Coso Community College
Friday, March 14 | 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.


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