Porterville College CE Instructor to be Honored by Tulare County Office of Education

February is Career Technical Education (CTE) month. In celebration, the Tulare Office of Education, through the Tulare Kings College and Career Collaborative (TKCCC) recognizes outstanding career technical education teachers in Tulare and Kings counties.
We're very excited to report that PC’s own John Olmos, Administration of Justice instructor and coordinator of the PC Law Enforcement Academy, will be among those honored this year as TKCCC Outstanding CTE Instructors!
The Tulare County Office of Education convenes the TKCCC to advance career technical education, and college and career readiness across the two-county region. CTE Month is hosted each year by the Association for Career and Technical Education and sponsored by National Association of Home Builders. Each February they celebrate the benefits of Career Education.
The Tulare-Kings College + Career Collaborative (TKCCC) is an organization of 12 school districts, a charter school, and the Kings and Tulare county offices of education working together with local community colleges and universities, workforce development agencies, and business/industry partners. TKCCC is dedicated to developing systems to prepare students for college and career, and ease their transitions from school to college and into the workforce. The collaborative also supports the development of career pathway programs and provides work-based learning experiences/internships.
Congratulations John! Thank you for the hard work and dedication you put into every student's success.