BC Welcomes Miracle Mutts as Part of ‘Destress’ Week
By Deanna Rea
Earlier this month, Bakersfield College welcomed therapy dogs from Miracle Mutts for Destress Week to help reduce students' stress as they prepare for final exams and projects. The event provided an opportunity for students to take a momentary respite from their textbooks and unwind with the comfort of these friendly, adorable companions.
The therapy dogs, all trained to provide emotional support, roamed the Library Peace Garden, offering students and staff the chance to pet, hold, and interact with them. Among the five therapy dogs were Bertha, Roo (like Kangaroo), Griffin, Clive, and Rainy, each with their own unique charm and personality. With their laid-back demeanors and loving attentiveness, the dogs easily garnered a constant wave of love and support from BC students and staff who stopped by. The owners of each dog also expressed strong admiration for their dog’s ability to improve the well-being of others and happily shared their stories with admiring students, resulting in laughter and upbeat conversations. The owner of Griffin, a Pomeranian therapy dog in training, commented, “Their job is to make people happy.”
Miracle Mutts’ unique initiative not only allowed students to de-stress but also highlighted the importance of mental health during a stressful period for students. According to a 2023 mental health report by Mental Health America, California youth ranked 28th in their mental health metric, which indicates a higher prevalence of mental illness and lower rates of access to care. Finals week is generally considered a highly stressful period for college students due to the cumulative pressure of multiple exams, project deadlines, and final grades.
As a healthy practice for relieving stress, these five loveable dogs offered a comforting presence, allowing students to take a break from studying and enjoy some much-needed relaxation. Thanks to Miracle Mutts and the Bakersfield College Library, the event provided a fun and therapeutic way for students to manage the pressures of finals week and promote the academic and personal well-being of all students.