PC Transfer Success Stories - Carlos Rodriguez

In a new video project from the PC Transfer Center, Porterville College highlights outstanding former PC students who've successfully transferred to 4-year institutions and achieved success in continuing their educational journey. We're excited to bring you the stories of some of these exceptional individuals who've overcome great odds to follow their dreams!
Carlos Rodriguez is a former PC student and ASPC President who graduated in 2023. Carlos overcame some substantial barriers to get to where he is today. He is currently working towards his Bachelor's degree at UCLA. In his first year at UCLA, Carlos participated in the Transfer Summer Program, he has given speeches all over California and he even held a UCDC internship in Washington D.C.! Please take a few minutes to see his story.
For more information on transfer services and opportunities at PC, visit the PC Transfer Center at https://www.portervillecollege.edu/student-services/transfer-center/index.html