BC Students Unleash Creativity at Thanksgiving Paint Night

The Bakersfield College Student Government Association held a Thanksgiving inspired Paint n’ Sip night in the Dining Commons, on Tuesday, November 21st from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM. It was a fun event filled with music, lots of student involvement, as well as special refreshments and food provided by our Dining team. In partnership with Food Services, they offered snickerdoodle and Abuelita hot chocolate, a mac and cheese bar, and a sweet potato cinnamon bread. The theme for the night invited everyone to paint what they were thankful for this holiday season. Some students entered their work to be judged with prizes including free entry into the dining commons or BC café for a month! All entrees received a free Dining Commons meal voucher to be used at any time.
The best part was seeing everyone enjoying their time painting with friends and distressing before finals arrive. See attached for some of our winners! Their work will be displayed in the BC Café for the rest of the fall semester. Hope to see you at the next one!