PC Students Join Over 1,200 Umoja Members at Annual Conference

On November 2-4, 2023, Umoja students traveled to the Bay Area to attend the XIX Umoja Conference. On our way to the conference, we stopped at Stanford University for a tour and the opportunity to network with several Stanford University personnel.
The Umoja XIX Conference theme invited participants to engage in a critical dialogue about the challenges that impact African American students attuned and the legacy of the African Diaspora. At the Umoja XIX Conference, students, partner institutions, and other stakeholders actively engaged in exploring solutions that ensure student success for African Americans.
The Umoja Conference featured empowering speakers, culturally relevant discussions, and networking opportunities for more than 1,200 Umoja students from across California and Washington. Attendees explored our intersectional identities and strategized to bring the change our communities need.
If you would like to learn more about Umoja at PC, visit