The Kern CCD Grants Office staff are here to assist you with the required process
and procedures connected to the planning and development of grant applications. Please
refer to the information provided below for assistance in specific areas.
Share the concept paper with prospective partners, your Department Chair, Dean and/or
partners for conceptual agreement to proceed.
Complete the Grant Routing Sheet
Route Intent to Apply: College & DO
Route Approval to Submit
Include a copy of the grant narrative & budget
The Kern CCD Board Policy related to Grants is BP 3280.
The Kern CCD Administrative Procedure related to Grants is AP 3280.
Grant Routing Sheet Notice of Intent to Apply Form (pg2), and
Grant Routing Sheet Approval to Submit Form (pg3)
Definitions of terms (pg4)
Note: This form is still used, but was constructed quite a number of years ago, so
please contact the Kern CCD Grants Office staff for clarification on how to complete
the form prior to submission.
Determine the amount (range) of funding to be requested
Discern the type of funding support needed (seed money; operating costs; research;
program development)
Consider all fields of interest relevant to the project (higher education; family
services; community development)
Highlight/Identify some key words which can be used to search for funding sources
Review literature for similar programs and determine how they were funded
Federal Register and State of California’s Grants Portal (free)
General funding alerts: no-cost and subscription (free)
Topical grants alerts: no-cost and subscription (free)
Foundation Directory: foundation libraries (at cost)
Direct Agency Contact (free)
Review all possible sources
Have the commitment of your College, President, VP, Dean, and the Grants Office
Research upcoming grant opportunities and identify RFP/RFA appropriate for project(s)
Identify those opportunities most appropriate by carefully reviewing the rfa/rfp:
application need, goals & objectives; scoring criteria; and allowable types of expenditures
Gain the commitment of your College to the project and in providing grant proposal
writing and/or assistance
Begin by outlining the concepts: draft Statement of Need and general narrative; estimate
rough budget; and identify potential funding sources